Thomas Haase
Computer-generated Audio-visual Media
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Zanox Engine
© Copyright 2014-2015 by Thomas Haase. All rights reserved.

The Zanox Engine is an easier to use and more efficient lightweight alternative to the
Zanox Publisher API 2011, at least if a standard usage is intended, in particular for using
coupon incentives.

The Zanox Engine is written in 100% PHP code and does not require any additional
database system. A detailed documentation is enclosed, the code itself is extensively
commented, and concrete application examples are also attached.

You are granted to use this software for free, even commercially.

A PHP version of 4 or higher is required.
Under a PHP version older than 5.2.0 - because of the code for handling JSON data still not
being implemented in the compiled PHP interpreter - the Zanox Engine will use the equivalent
PHP code instead, the execution of which is very time-consuming. Although this only affects
the updating process invoked by ZanoxEngine_init.php, this may then take several hours
instead of some seconds.

The Zanox Engine first downloads the complete necessary data sets from Zanox.
These will then locally be completely newly organized, combined, and structured, leaving out
all redundant information, so that it is best suited for purposeful data queries.
Through this, complex query constructions and later downloading of data portions are no longer
. Instead, the desired data can be accessed much faster and much more directly
a natural way.

If the dynamically generated four .dat files are (still) not existing, the file
ZanoxEngine_init.php must be executed once before using the Zanox Engine,
after customizing the parameters contained in ZanoxEngine_init.php.

When saving any of the .php files, make sure your text/code editor does not insert a
byte order mark (BOM)!!! (This would be the UTF-8 BOM: The 3 bytes EF BB BF at the
beginning of the file.) To remove a BOM, you can use an editor in ASCII editing mode.

This software comes with no warranty at all! The author is not responsible for any damage
or loss due to using this software!

-> DOWNLOAD <- (Ver. 11, Oct. 9, 2014, 1.8 MB, includes English and German version
     as well as a large sample database)

© Copyright 2008-2015 by Thomas Haase. All rights reserved.

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