Haase Mathematica CGI Web Interface © Copyright 2000-2015 by Thomas Haase. All rights reserved.
The Mathematica CGI Web Interface provides a convenient remote access to an existing installation of Wolfram Mathematica via Internet or through any TCP/IP connection in general. Through this remote access, it is possible to use Mathematica from within any kind of operating system. The interface consists of 100% pure Mathematica code. You are granted to use this interface for free, even commercially. It provides 2-dimensional textual output and supports graphics and sound output. Sample input: Resulting output: (if possible, the computed pulsating sound is also played)
In order to satisfy as many demands as possible, the interface now offers the option to switch between both multimedia output techniques. In addition, it is possible to switch between the two transmission methods "GET" and "POST":
Multimedia Output Method: Standard -- Problems with Mathematica Ver. 9+ REQUIREMENTS:
IMPORTANT: This web interface is not secure since it provides full access to the Mathematica functionalities and through this also access to the host computer! But this can be blocked by an appropriate configuration of Mathematica itself. LEGAL NOTICE: This interface comes with no warranty at all! The author is not responsible for any damage or loss due to using this interface! Wolfram Research prohibits making the functionalities of a Mathematica installation generally available to the public! SETUP: The interface script file must be placed in the web server's htdocs directory. Required Web Server Settings: * CGI Interpreter Executable: math.exe (of the Mathematica installation directory) * CGI Interpreter Executable's Arguments for Mathematica 4.0 to 7.0.1: -noprompt -initfile "%1" * CGI Interpreter Executable's Arguments for Mathematica 8.0 and up: -noprompt -script "%1" * CGI Interpreter Executable's Associated File Name Extension: m On Unix/Linux or when using an Apache web server, it may be easier instead to define a "ScriptAlias" for the htdocs directory and an "AddHandler cgi-script" for the file name extension .m, and to insert an appropriate shebang line at the top of the interface script file, containing the path to "math" followed by the arguments, e.g. in the following form: #!/usr/local/bin/math -noprompt -script For this, you may have to set up an adjustment to enable passing multiple arguments from the shebang, or you can try leaving out the argument -noprompt Before using, in the web server's htdocs directory, manually create the subdirectory "TMPMATH" The providing of computation time and memory per input can be arbitrarily adjusted. For further details, refer to the comments within the interface script file itself. -> DOWNLOAD <- (Ver. 002/2014, June 9, 2014) © Copyright 2008-2015 by Thomas Haase. All rights reserved. |